I believe the Christ will come in to see all his beloved purchased ones; and he will search to see whether we are all there. And that's all I needed. He could not long be held a prisoner in the tomb. But there is a caveat. Man was condemned to live forever in hell. Isaiah 53:10 (WYC) and the Lord would defoul him in sickness. It may be that that will be your first response when you see the marks of the suffering that He bore for you. We are naturally sold under sin, and we cannot discern the spiritual and real Christ until we have a spirit created within us by the new birth, of which he said, "Ye must be born again." You have a great necessity. Absurd! The ram caught in the thicket supplies the substitute, and faith's obedience need go no further. The chastisement of our peace "The chastisement by which our peace is effected" - Twenty-one MSS. "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble; therefore will we not fear, though the earth be removed and the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea.". He substituted himself in the room of sinners, as a sacrifice. It is the good pleasure of the Lord, which denotes not only his counsel concerning it, but his complacency in it; and therefore God loved him, and was well pleased in him, because he undertook to lay down his life for the sheep. It says, "He shall see his seed." He has a seed even he whom, unseen, we this night adore. You couldn't stand to look at it. and we hid as it were our faces from him ( Isaiah 53:3 ); Perhaps in shock and in horror. And when Christ dies, you are to look upon the death of Christ, not as his own dying merely, but as the dying of all those for whom he stood as the scape-goat and the substitute. It pleased the Lord to do this. and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed? The person so free from personal service, and so truly in our nature, and yet so exalted in person, should also be accepted and ordained of God. They see nothing in his appearance that is impressive or attractive. But, nevertheless, God is patient, longsuffering, and gracious. The shades of death do not divide you from him. (Ezra 3:10) So also in the hand of Christ shall prosper the will of God; that is, the Lord will cause the ministry of Christ to yield its fruit, that it may not be thought that he exposed himself fruitlessly to such terrible sufferings. One man who is drawn for the militia cannot be a substitute for another person so drawn, because he owes for himself his own personal service. First it is traceable in decree. He shall have the glory of bringing in an everlasting righteousness; for so it was foretold concerning him, Daniel 9:24. On this I shall be very brief. He sits at the right hand of God, even the Father, and he reigns there for ever. Isaiah 30:18 speaks of the compassion and mercy of God for his people. 1 The prophet, complaining of incredulity, excuseth the scandal of the cross, 4 by the benefit of his passion, 10 and the good success thereof. And so, "He shall see the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied.". Have you ever looked at something that was so shocking you couldn't look; you turned your face? If ye can give an offering for sin, your soul shall see a long-lived seed: Jump to: Bible Study Tools; Parallel Bible Verse; Bible Contextual Overview; Interceding for the transgressors. The structure of Isaiah also argues for its unity. We come to him by birth: we are partakers of his life. So may it be in your heart towards all those that belong to Christ! JB ISAIAH Chapter 8 . THE SIMPLICITY OF THE CROSS - Vs. 2 may you have grace to take it as it is freely presented to you in the gospel. When men made chapter and verse divisions, they did make mistakes. Thus have I expounded the first part of the subject the origin of our Saviour's worst sufferings, the Father's pleasure. See also. Now, Jesus Christ has been made by God an offering for sin; and oh that to-night we may be able to do in reality what the Jew did in metaphor! Isaiah 53:10 Surely this can only mean that God beat Jesus up?! Here Isaiah declares that it was so shocking. What can you do? "When we shall see Him, there is no beauty that we should desire Him.". It isn't for the beautiful form that we will be attracted. When you pass through the gates of the grave, you go there solitary and alone; you are not the representative of a body of men, but you pass through the gates of death as an individual; but, remember, when Christ went through the sufferings of death, he was the representative Head of all his people. I hope soon to be lifting up my voice again. And if you should have to dwell quite alone in the bush, and have no Christian acquaintance, still go direct to the Son of God, for "He shall see his seed." The penmanship of the solemn book of predestination is from beginning to end entirely divine. This is the gate of entrance into discipleship. Here is love indeed; and here we see how it was, that it pleased the Father to bruise him. See! Almighty love will have you. Nay, tarry not till you go out of this house. Herein was matchless, peerless love, that the offended judge should permit his co-equal Son to suffer the pains of death for the redemption of a rebellious people. If there be a universal redemption of all, then all men are redeemed. And God cries out. "He shall see his seed." Surely He hath borne our griefs, carried our sorrows. Do not fear. The Lord have mercy upon his poor church when she comes to be neither cold nor hot, so that he is ready to spue her out of his mouth! . Well, whoever wrote that chorus doesn't have a real understanding of scripture, because they have taken it out of its context. So the Targum, paraphrasing the words of Christ and his seed, "they shall see the kingdom of their Messiah; they shall multiply sons and daughters; they shall prolong their days:''. But, sirs, I need not stop to prove it; it is written clearly upon the consciousness of each man, and upon the conscience of every one of us, that sin must be punished. You see, without any children, who's going to declare His generation? They went in the morning after the Sabbath to embalm him. Beloved, if it had been possible to destroy the church of God on earth, it would have been destroyed long ago. (2.) Wrong! He'll be crucified. Amen. If you have begun believingly to pray for salvation, you have therein a sure evidence that you are saved. Now Jesus when He was referring to being lifted up was referring to the death that He was to die upon the cross, as He would be lifted up upon a cross. Men forsake the faith, but God is faithful still. The text puts away every hard thought concerning the Father, by telling us that it pleased Jehovah to bruise Jesus Christ. And he bore our pains. Certain divines have demurred to this. Isaiah Chapter 2 1 . There is no divine composure there. The Hebrew will bear either. new york : pott and amery. They believe that Judas was atoned for just as much as Peter; they believe that the damned in hell were as much an object of Jesus Christ's satisfaction as the saved in heaven; and though they do not say it in proper words, yet they must mean it, for it is a fair inference, that in the case of multitudes, Christ died in vain, for he died for them all, they say; and yet so ineffectual was his dying for them, that though he died for them they are damned afterward. Many divines say that Christ did something when he died that enabled God to be just, and yet the Justifier of the ungodly. Will he not sing sweeter songs than ever came from martyr's lips? Because these sorrows would result in the pardon and recovery of an innumerable multitude of lost sinners, and in their eternal happiness and salvation. See Psalms 127:5; Psalms 128:6 : Yea, thou shalt see thy childrens children, and peace upon Israel. So one of the highest blessings which could be promised to Abraham was that he would be made the father of many nations Genesis 12:2; Genesis 17:5-6. They shall answer, "Ay, ay, ay, we are here; we are here!" If I owe a man twenty pounds, it is no matter to him whatever who shall pay the twenty pounds so long as it is duly paid. 10The Lord also is pleased to purge him from his stroke. You are of the blood royal of heaven. So you call up and you make a date. Oh, but that was grand! He has gone out of the land of tears and death. Isaiah 53:10. To this clause some supply the relative (asher,) which: A seed which shall be long lived. But I expound it in a more simple manner, Christ shall not be hindered by his death from prolonging his days, that is, from living eternally. Some persons, when departing from life, leave children, but children who shall survive them, and who shall live so as to obtain a name only when their fathers are dead. Of Old Testament prophecies of the birth of the Messiah, among the most famous and well-known (in part because Handel included its words in his magnum opus, "The Messiah") is Isaiah 9:6, 7 (numbered 9:5, 6 in the Masoretic Hebrew text, the Septuagint Greek version and in German and some other translations). Behold, my servant shall deal prudently, he shall be exalted and extolled ( Isaiah 52:13 ). And you say, "Did Christ drink it all to its dregs?" Made in all points and like unto us, being a man, and standing exactly in a man's place, becoming a real Adam, as true an Adam as was the first Adam, standing quite in the first Adam's place, he is a fit person to become a substitute for us. He lives, he feels, he sympathizes, he looks on, he is ready to help, he will help you even now. Oh, I was excited. And, to complete the sin-offering, the priest draws his knife and kills the victim which must be utterly consumed with fire. He doesn't even look like a human being. The same mischievous experiment is being tried now, and there will be the same result; for the living Christ is still to the front. Nay, the vilest malefactor of all, Barabbas, who was a traitor, a thief, and a murderer, was put in election with him for the favour of the people, and carried it; for they would not have Jesus released, but Barabbas. for he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken. It has been announced to him that to-morrow is his burning day. And being humbled, He came as a servant" ( Philippians 2:6-8 ). Beloved, it is not only true that God did design and did permit with willingness the death of Christ; it is moreover, true that the unutterable agonies that clothed the death of the Saviour with superhuman terror, were the effect of the Father's bruising of Christ in very act and deed. That he shall himself have abundant satisfaction in it (Isaiah 53:11; Isaiah 53:11): He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied. The meaning here is, that the Messiah, though he should be put to death, would yet see great multitudes who should be his spiritual children. z "quum posueris delictum animam ejus", De Dieu. Taking our text, then, as a guide, we propose to visit Calvary, hoping to have the help of the Holy Spirit whilst we look upon him who died upon the cross. We adore him in the infinite majesty of his unutterable love. (2.) Don't You know that I have power to free Thee, the power to put Thee to death?" Now as a general rule our bodies have an automatic reflex kind of an action, when we see a blow coming we give with the blow so it cushions the blow. Childrens children are the crown of old men Proverbs 17:6. There are multitudes of religious people, very religious people; but they are as dead as door-nails. While he was yet a great way off, his father saw him, rags and poverty and sin and filth and all, and he did not wait till he was clean, but ran and fell upon his neck and kissed him, just as he was. "He shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand." And it's a very convenient way to reference. If Jesus is not the Messiah, there is no Messiah. A mere man could at most only substitute for one other man. It was my sin that brought Him that suffering and that beating and that shame and that reproach. And that is why Jesus came that He might take the guilt of my sin. Nothing can be more untrue; and this sermon may help to show that I am full of hope and confidence. I'm guilty! Nay, I know not but that I shall have Scripture for my warrant when I say, that this is the very core of predestination, and that the death of Christ is the very center and main-spring by which God did fashion all his other decrees, making this the bottom and foundation-stone upon which the sacred architecture should be builded. (asham) (54) denotes both sin and the sacrifice which is offered for sin, and is often used in the latter sense in the Scriptures. Put your hand in My side." Ah, well! My, what this man has given to us of his great depth of understanding and background. and we didn't esteem him ( Isaiah 53:3 ). "He shall see his seed." 'Tis manhood suffering there; 'tis the Church suffering there, in the substitute. Isaiah 53:8). . Thus much on our first point. But then my heart desires to forgive to pass by man's transgressions and pardon them. And when he has brought a sin-offering, he shall see a numerous posterity, and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper through him. The Lord was pleased with his sufferings, not because he has delight in the sufferings of innocence; not because the sufferer was in any sense guilty or ill-deserving; and not because he was at any time displeased or dissatisfied with what the Mediator did, or taught. Dost thou see him in proper flesh and blood fastened to that tree? Do you suppose he would have ascended to the rest and to the reward of an accomplished work? But if I am told that I am only sent there as a part of a scheme of moral government, and that I am sent into torment to impress others with a sense of right, I ask that some one else should have the place of preacher to the people, and that I may be one of those whose felicity it shall be to be preached to; for I see no reason in justice why I should be selected as the victim. We rejoice with exultation as we read the text, "He shall see his seed." No," says he, "I believe in a just God, and if God be just, he will not punish Christ first, and then punish men afterwards. Worldwide Delivery. Once, as this writer traveled southward on the Missouri-Pacific from St. Louis to Little Rock, a Unitarian noticed my reading the New Testament; and he said: "You Christians have your arithmetic all wrong. We cannot see them all; but HE shall see his seed. Now the black scene vanishes at the sound of a voice from heaven. They hurry from the house silently and noiselessly, before the mother is awake. And if sin deserve not to be punished, what is Tophet but injustice on a monstrous scale? But on Christ's part there was no natural necessity for obedience, much less for obedience unto death. This final stanza gives the explanation for the Servants submissive suffering for sinners and so completes the song. "We love him because he first loved us." 40-66, p. There was not only a colliquation of his body in his sufferings (Psalms 22:14, I am poured out like water), but a surrender of his spirit; he poured out that, even unto death, though he is the Lord of life. It preserves, however, . There's just the face and that's it.One of the most miserable dates I ever had in my life was with a girl with a pretty face. Hast thou piled thy sins together till they seem to provoke heaven? Job)." I cannot preach upon that most precious topic, but I wish you to think it over: it is a divine pleasure to the Lord Jesus to look at you: it is promised him as a reward for his death.
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